Verfahren und Vorrichtung für Benutzerverteilung an Subbänder in NOMA-Systemen nach einen Gewichteten Proportional-Fairness Verfahren
Method and apparatus for user distribution to sub-bands in NOMA systems according to a weighted proportional fairness scheme
Procédé et appareil de distribution d'utilisateur dans des systèmes NOMA à sous-bandes suivant un algorithme d'équité proportionnelle pondérée
A mechanism for attributing users to a plurality of sub bands in a time slot t in a multiple access communications system, said method comprising
assigning a combination of users to a sub band on a Proportional Fairness basis, that is to say whichever combination of users maximizes a
Proportional Fairness performance metric for that channel, where the performance metric is weighted by a weighting factor reflecting the difference
for that user between a target throughput and a projected throughput.