Real-time neutron and alpha soft-error rate testing of CMOS 130nm SRAM: Altitude versus underground measurements
This work reports real-time soft-error rate (SER) testing of semiconductor static memories in both altitude and underground environments to separate the component of the SER induced by the cosmic rays (i.e. primarily by atmospheric neutrons) from that caused by on-chip radioactive impurities (alpha-particle emitters). Two European dedicated sites were used to perform long-term real-time measurements with the same setup: the Altitude SEE Test European Platform (ASTEP) at the altitude of 2252m and the underground laboratory of Modane (LSM, CEA-CNRS) under 1700 m of rock (4800 meters water equivalent). Experimental data obtained using 3.6 Gbit of SRAMs manufactured in CMOS 130 nm technology are reported and analyzed. Comparison with accelerated and simulated SER is also discussed.