The Late-Pleistocene Industries of Piauí, Brazil: New Data
The Serra da Capivara region is under continuing investigation over the past 30 years. In recent years, in the context of a specic research on Pleistocene human settlements, many surveys and digging were under-taken. The results are convincing as we currently certify more than ve Pleistocene sequences with archaeo-logical material and OSL and 14C dating. We present in this article three of them. Vale da Pedra Furada and Tira Peia have each delivered a chronological sequence of several layers that witness production of diversi-ed tools with evidence of use. Sitio do Meio is a site already known for its sequence in the late Pleistocene/early Holocene. The continuing research indicates a greater sequence beginning in the late Pleistocene with many artifacts. All evidence seems to conrm a late-Pleistocene human presence in this region of Brazil. This occupation continued throughout the Holocene, with changes in cultural assemblages that display local dif-ferences and increasingly sophisticated methods of adapting to and modifying the landscape.