Coating conductive or semiconductive materials by polymerization of monomers on the surfaces.
Conductive and semiconductive materials are coated with 0.1-100-μm polymer anticorrosive films by (1) grafting diazonium salts having groups that function as polymn. initiators onto the surface and (2) radical or ring-opening polymn. of the monomers on the surface. Thus, an Fe electrode was electrolytically grafted with p-BrCHMeC6H4N2BF4, and Me methacrylate was polymd. by ATRP on the grafted surface.
Mots clés
anticorrosive coating in situ radical polymn diazonium salt
coating conductive material in situ radical polymn diazonium salt
iron surface bromopropylphenyldiazonium tetrafluoroborate pretreated methyl methacrylate ATRP
ring opening polymn diazonium salt grafted surface
semiconductive material coating in situ radical polymn diazonium salt