Optimal and cost efficient algorithm for virtual CDN orchestration
Virtual Content Delivery Network (vCDN) orches- tration is necessary to optimize the use of resources and improve the performance of the overall SDN/NFV-based CDN function in terms of network operator cost reduction and high stream- ing quality. It requires intelligent and enticed joint SDN/NFV orchestration algorithm due to the evident huge amount of traffic to be delivered to end customers of the network. In this paper, a global vCDN architecture and an exact approach for finding the optimal path orchestration(s) and vCDN component instantiation(s) (OCPA) are proposed. Moreover, several scenarios are considered to quantify the OCPA behavior and to compare its efficiency in terms of caching and streaming cost, orchestration time, vCDN replication number, and other cost factors. Then, it is implemented and evaluated under different deployment flavors. Several scenarios are considered to study the algorithm's behavior and to quantify the impact of both network and system parameters