Mirror descent learning in continuous games
Online Mirror Descent (OMD) is an important and
widely used class of adaptive learning algorithms that enjoys
good regret performance guarantees. It is therefore natural to
study the evolution of the joint action in a multi-agent decision
process (typically modeled as a repeated game) where every
agent employs an OMD algorithm. This well-motivated question
has received much attention in the literature that lies at the
intersection between learning and games. However, much of the
existing literature has been focused on the time average of the
joint iterates. In this paper, we tackle a harder problem that
is of practical utility, particularly in the online decision making
setting: the convergence of the last iterate when all the agents
make decisions according to OMD. We introduce an equilibrium
stability notion called variational stability (VS) and show that in
variationally stable games, the last iterate of OMD converges to
the set of Nash equilibria. We also extend the OMD learning
dynamics to a more general setting where the exact gradient is
not available and show that the last iterate (now random) of
OMD converges to the set of Nash equilibria almost surely.