Impact of an urban effluent on the bacterial community structure in the Arga River (Spain), with special reference to culturable Gram-negative rods
The Arga River is an interesting system in which to study the impact of urban effluent pollution because it receives a single effluent in the form of wastewater discharge from the city of Pamplona. To analyze the extent of this discharge, total bacteria, culturable heterotrophic bacteria, and Gram-negative heterotrophic bacteria were enumerated and 409 isolates of the latter were identified. One sampling station was located upstream from the inflow, while five were located up to 30 km downstream. Bacterial counts increased drastically downstream from the wastewater inflow. Total bacterial numbers decreased along the 30 km downstream, the last station attaining similar values to those recorded upstream from the discharge. However, culturable heterotrophic and Gram-negative heterotrophic bacteria levels generally remained significantly higher within the 30 km zone investigated. Among the 409 isolates identified, Aeromonas spp. were the most frequent both upstream and downstream from the discharge. In contrast, although strains belonging to different genera of Enterobacteriaceae were found in all stations, their occurrence was significantly higher just downstream from the polluted discharge. Acinetobacter spp., which were never found upstream, were detected in all stations below the discharge. Our results clearly show that the bacterial community structure changes definitively downstream from the discharge and that Aeromonas were common throughout the sampling zone. Thus they cannot be considered good indicators of pollution in this setting compared to some genera of Enterobacteriaceae or some species of Acinetobacter, the distribution of which correlated better with the distance from the wastewater discharge.