Vitro study of the impact of sédimentsartificiellement contaminated with anthracene: Effects on indigenous bacteria and the marine nematode [Étude in vitro de l'impact de sediments artificiellement contaminés par l'anthracène: Effets sur les bactéries indigènes et les nématodes libres marins]
This study evaluates the in vitro impact of three bioremediation techniques: biostimulation, bioaugmentation, and a combination of biostimulation and bioaugmentation on microflora and nematofauna after an artificial contamination of lagoon sediments by anthracene. This sediment contamination tends to reduce the average load in aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in the water column, at the sediment interface and at the same time induces a highly significant decrease in the average densities of nematodes in all microcosms contaminated by this pollutant. After inoculation with the Staphylococcus sp. bacterial strain, the increase in bacterial load was significant (p < 0.05) in the three compartments of anthracene-contaminated microcosms with relation to the controls. The addition of nitrates and phosphates to the contaminated microcosms generated a highly significant increase in the average concentration of free-living nematodes with relation to the controls.