Determination of volatile species of metals and metalloids in an urban atmosphere
The distribution of different volatile metal species after three campaigns during September 1995, April 1996, and May 1996 detected in the vicinity of Bordeaux, France, was studied. Thirteen sites were selected including indoor and outdoor locations. The sampling sites represented industrial activities and evaluated the magnitude of the automotive emissions. Volatile species identified by comparing the isotopic match and retention time from injection of standards were tetraethyllead compounds, elemental mercury Hg°, dimethylselenide, and tetramethyltin. The total alkyl lead (TAL) concentrations were 0.3-2.9 ng/cu m in industrial or suburban areas, 2.0-43.8 ng/cu m in the urban samples, and 110.4-341.3 ng/cu m in the underground car park. The average TAL values measured during September 1995 yielded higher TAL concentrations compared to those of May 1996 with similar traffic density conditions.