Conference Papers Year : 2016

Integrating Urban Ecodesign in French engineering curricula: an example at École des Ponts ParisTech


In the era of climate change and energetic transition, industrial players are driven to adapt their activities. Eco-design has emerged as a major approach to enhance the environmental performance of products as well as services. Yet it still needs to be developed for complex issues such as neighborhood development and urban planning. This is the very objective of the academic Chair on the Eco-design of building sets and infrastructure that was established in 2008 by Paris-Tech and Vinci, the well-known leading group in construction and infrastructure operations. The chair involves three schools with different specializations within ParisTech: " Mines " deal with en-ergetics, " Agro " with biodiversity and urban agriculture and " Ecole des Ponts " (ENPC) with transportation and urban development. The paper presents a one semester full-time specialization training for master students launched in 2014 at Ecole des Ponts. The curriculum, targeted to the " eco-design of sustainable cities " , is in two main parts: on the first hand, four specialist courses deal with spatial design, evaluation, urban modeling and big data, respectively; on the other hand, an intensive group project targeted to eco-design a sustainable neighborhood. The paper presents first the context of engineering education in France and its orientation towards sustainable development of cities, then the principles of the education program; next, details are provided about the specialist course in evaluation, which is based on Life Cycle Assessment, then on the intensive group project and the topics it addresses in years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. Lastly some lessons and perspectives are drawn.
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hal-01586997 , version 1 (13-09-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01586997 , version 1


Natalia Kotelnikova-Weiler, Anne de Bortoli, Adélaïde Feraille Fresnet, Fabien Leurent. Integrating Urban Ecodesign in French engineering curricula: an example at École des Ponts ParisTech. Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016, Mar 2016, Hambourg Germany. ⟨hal-01586997⟩
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