Reciprocal enrichment of two Multi-Domain Matrices to improve accuracy of vehicle development project interdependencies modeling and analysis
This paper presents two Multi-Domain Matrix-based models of
propagation analysis within a vehicle development project. The aim is to reduce
the gap between these models and the reality of propagation behavior within the
project, notably by reciprocal enrichment of these models. The first one is the
Risk-Risk (RR) interdependency model with the purpose of anticipating project
risk propagation through actors and time within the project. The second one is the
APP (Actors-Process-Product) model classically used for anticipating the
propagation of desired changes and of unintended disruptive events or potential
dysfunction from one project element to another. The result is a reciprocal
enrichment of both models, enabling the accuracy of models and then the
reliability of decisions to be improved. An applicatio