Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical masses ---S=-3 sector: XiSigma and XiLambda-XiSigma---
We present lattice QCD results of baryon-baryon potentials in S=-3 sector, i.e., \Xi\Sigma (I=3/2) potentials and \Xi\Lambda-\Xi\Sigma coupled channel potentials (I=1/2) by using the 2+1 flavor gauge configurations with almost the physical quark masses generated on 96^4 lattice with 1/a \simeq 2.3 GeV and L = 96a \simeq 8.1 fm where m_pi \simeq 146 MeV and m_K \simeq 525 MeV. These potentials are obtained based on the time-dependent HAL QCD method with a non-relativistic approximation. Qualitative behaviors of the results are found to be consistent with those in the flavor SU(3) limit.