Lambda-Nucleon and Sigma-Nucleon interactions from lattice QCD with physical masses
We present our recent study on baryon-baryon ($BB$) interactions from lattice QCD with almost physical quark masses corresponding to $(m_\pi,m_K)\approx(146,525)$ MeV and large volume $(La)^4=(96a)^4\approx$ (8.1 fm)$^4$. In order to perform a comprehensive study of $BB$ interactions based on lattice QCD calculation with almost physical masses and to make better use of such large scale computer resources, a large number of $BB$ interactions from $NN$ to $\Xi\Xi$ are calculated simultaneously. In this report, we focus on the strangeness $S=-1$ channels of the hyperon interactions by means of HAL QCD method. The coupled-channel HAL QCD method is briefly outlined. The snapshots of central and tensor potentials in $^1S_0$ and $^3S_1-^3D_1$ channels are presented for $\Lambda N$, $\Sigma N$ (both the isospin $I=1/2, 3/2$) and their coupled-channel systems.
Mots clés
nucleon Lambda: interaction
nucleon Sigma: interaction
quantum chromodynamics
lattice field theory
numerical calculations
hyperon: interaction
quark: mass dependence
potential: tensor
Bethe-Salpeter equation
coupled channel
baryon baryon: interaction
isospin: 1/2
isospin: 3/2
quark: Wilson
fermion: clover
quark: flavor: 3