Hybrid MAC protocols in VANET : a survey
Various ongoing research eorts in Vehicular Ad hoc Net- work (VANET) related to safety and non-safety applications have been published in academia and industry. One of the main areas in VANET that still lacking of signicant research contributions is toward designing reliable Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. Existing survey on MAC protocols in VANET mostly discuss the general MAC methods, which include contention-based and contention-free MAC protocols. A hybrid MAC protocol that adopts both contention-based and contention- free MAC, proposed to enhance the network performance in VANET, is fruitful to be explored further. Hence, a survey of hybrid MAC proto- cols for VANET is presented in this paper. The benets and limitations of the existing hybrid MAC protocols are discussed based on their clas- sication to provide some insights on the recent advancement of high performance MAC protocols for vehicular networks. Finally, some open research issues are highlighted as part of future research directions that need further investigations