MobileMii : mobile with many intelligence inside
The goal of the MobileMii platform is to create a platform for world-class ICT research in ambient intelligence for the comfort and security in the place of life. Activities will build on research topics of the CEA-LIST and the Institut Mines-Telecom. Research will focus on major prospects of ambient intelligence at home and at work such as telecare, the activity monitoring (or surveillance) at the place of life, or smart assistance for work tasks. Specifically, it is to create a platform localized in buildings of NANO-INNOV and DIGITEO on the "Plateau de Saclay" in the South of Paris. This platform features hundred square meters including development zones, a showroom, and a realistic space for metrology equipment designed in laboratories. MobilMii also addresses a user-driven research whose objective is a short-term return on research investment. MobilMii will demonstrate the industrial relevance, performance of developments, with the idea to influence developments to meet specific needs, to develop resulting technologies developed, thus reducing time to market. This platform will promote exchanges with institutions and the regional community of national and international ambient intelligence community (scientific, industrial users). It will give opportunities for demonstrations in a realistic context and provide support equipment for future research projects. A major challenge of the platform is to develop innovative devices and services. The innovative nature will be generated thanks to the multidisciplinary technical teams, from CEA and Institut Mines-Telecom, acting together on a same place. This will be an opportunity to simultaneously develop services based on several technologies (communications, sensors, HMIs, reasoning, ...)