Improving oral communication skills through a multimodaland telecollaborative platform: from repairs to situated actions
For 30 years, socio-constructivism has become a widely accepted paradigm (in the sense of Kuhn) in education and has lead, among other things, to the development of telecollaborative platforms using the web which purpose is to facilitate exchange and learning in foreign language while being engaged in regular interaction (O’Rourke, 2007) and in polarized discussions about cultural values (O'Dowd, 2003). In this context, I conduct an ethnographic observation, in a startup, during the design and the test session of a platform for the development of communication skills in three language : English, French and Spanish. The platform presents functionalities aimed to assist the integration of pedagogical activities or support/documents qualified as « icebreaker ». The analysis is going to be focused on the multimodal transcription of five test sessions which has been video-registrated as "spontaneous conversational materials" conceived in a naturalistic perspective. In an ethnomethodological approach, the purpose was to document the social activities in situ (Mondada, 2008) and more specially, the multi-activities of the participants. In this presentation, I am going to present the analysis done on this empirical material by considering, on one hand, the interaction through a Conversation Analysis applied to language learning (Seedhouse, 2005) and, on another hand, the analysis of the plans while confronting the choice of the designers to the actions of the participants in front of the screen while communicating to each other. I am going to focus on repair within the negotiation between the participants and breakdown sequences. This presentation aims to question, from a methodological perspective, a correlated analysis considering two kinds of plans on two temporalities : technical and pedagogical plans and to present a research grounded via a participant observation within a more global pedagogical reflexion on the development of new tools outside of the classroom for language learning.