Efficient retailer assortment: a consumer choice evaluation perspective
@ Customer requirements, Retailers, Merchandising, Stores and supermarkets, France @ This research shows that to reach their prime goal of building an efficient assortment retailers need, beside increasing the outlet's cost-efficiency, to evaluate shoppen' assortment perceptions so that what the store actually offers can be tailored to meet customers' needs and expectations. Our findings reveal that consumers' perceptions of the assortment range stems from the combination of few indicators, mainly ùre number of stock-keeping units proposed and the availability of the favorite brands. Also demonstrates that consumers evaluation of the overall store assortment draws on the perceived choice within the product categories where they are highly sensitive to the assortment range. @ The Emerald Research Register for this joumal is available at http://wrrw.emerald insight.com/researchregister The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at