Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions Recognition by Merging Multiple 1D Interpretations
—In this work, we propose to recognize handwritten
mathematical expressions by merging multiple 1D sequences of
labels produced by a sequence labeler. The proposed solution
aims at rebuilding a 2D expression from several 1D labeled
paths. An online math expression is a sequence of strokes
which is later used to build a graph considering both temporal and spatial orders among these strokes. In this graph,
node corresponds to stroke and edge denotes the relationship
between a pair of strokes. Next, we select 1D paths from the
built graph with the expectation that these paths could catch all
the strokes and the relationships between pairs of strokes. As
an advanced and strong sequence classifier, BLSTM networks
are adopted to label the selected 1D paths. We set different
weights to these 1D labeled paths and then merge them to
rebuild a label graph. After that, an additional post-process
will be performed to complete the edges automatically. We test
the proposed solution and compare the results to the state of
art in online math expression recognition domain.