Upper Domination: Complexity and Approximation
We consider Upper Domination, the problem of finding a maximum cardinality minimal dominating set in a graph. We show that this problem does not admit an $n^{1-\epsilon}$ approximation for any $\epsilon>0$, making it significantly harder than Dominating Set, while it remains hard even on severely restricted special cases, such as cubic graphs (APX-hard), and planar subcubic graphs (NP-hard). We complement our negative results by showing that the problem admits an $O(\Delta)$ approximation on graphs of maximum degree $\Delta$, as well as an EPTAS on planar graphs. Along the way, we also derive essentially tight $n^{1-1/d} upper and lower bounds on the approximability of the related problem Maximum Minimal Hitting Set on d-uniform hypergraphs, generalising known results for Maximum Minimal Vertex Cover.