Transitions in behaviorally correlated activity in medial prefrontal neurons of rats acquiring and switching strategies in a Y-maze - Archive ouverte HAL
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2006

Transitions in behaviorally correlated activity in medial prefrontal neurons of rats acquiring and switching strategies in a Y-maze

Sidney I Wiener
Mehdi Khamassi
Adrien Peyrache
Vincent Douchamps
  • Fonction : Auteur
Peter Tierney
  • Fonction : Auteur
Francesco Battaglia
  • Fonction : Auteur
Fichier non déposé

Dates et versions

hal-01351348 , version 1 (03-08-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01351348 , version 1


Sidney I Wiener, Mehdi Khamassi, Adrien Peyrache, Vincent Douchamps, Peter Tierney, et al.. Transitions in behaviorally correlated activity in medial prefrontal neurons of rats acquiring and switching strategies in a Y-maze. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Oct 2006, Atlanta, United States. ⟨hal-01351348⟩
71 Consultations
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