Oxidative stress, sarcopenia, antioxidant strategies and exercise: molecular aspects
Sarcopenia could be currently defined as a geriatric syndrome initially characterized by a decrease in muscle mass that will get worse causing deterioration in strength and physical performance. A negative protein turnover, impaired mitochondrial dynamics and functions, a decreased muscle regeneration capacity, as well as an
exacerbation of apoptosis are usually considered to be cellular mechanisms involved in muscle atrophy leading to
sarcopenia. In this review, we first present that muscle overproduction of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species
(RONS) and oxidative stress observed during aging are associated with sarcopenia, and the discuss how RONS are
involved in redox-sensitive signaling pathways leading to sarcopenia. The identification of cost-effectiveness inter-
ventions to maintain muscle mass and physical functions in the elderly is one of the most important public health
challenges. Here, we also discuss about the efficiency of different kind of antioxidant strategies against sarcopenia. Since exercise is the best strategies to prevent and reverse sarcopenia, we also highlight that exercise acts as an antioxidant.