Speaker Role Recognition on TV Broadcast Documents
In this paper, we present the results obtained by a state-of-
the-art system for Speaker Role Recognition (SRR) on the
TV broadcast documents issued from the REPERE Multimedia
Challenge. This SRR system is based on the assumption that
cues about speaker roles may be extracted from a set of 36 low
level features issued from the outputs of a Speaker Diarization
process. Starting from manually annotated speaker segments,
we first evaluate the performance of the SRR system, formerly
evaluated on Broadcast radio recordings, on this heterogeneous
set of TV shows. Consequently, we propose a new classification
strategy, by observing how building show-dependent models
improves SRR. The system is then applied on some speaker seg-
mentation outputs issued from an automatic system, enabling
us to investigate the influence of the errors introduced by this
front-end process on Role Recognition. In these different con-
texts, the system is able to correctly classify 86.9% of speaker
roles while being applied on manual speaker segmentations and
74.5% on automatic Speaker Diarization outputs.
Index Terms
: speaker role recognition, speech processing,
content-based indexing of audiovisual docume