Proposal for a modified THOR lower abdomen including abdominal twin pressure sensors
This paper presents the evaluation of a modified THOR-NT lower abdomen which includes two abdominal pressure twin sensors (APTS®) as replacement for the displacement measurements. Further small changes such as the addition of small masses in front of the abdomen have also been made to better mimic the response of the PMHSs under seat belt loading. As a result, the biofidelity of the prototype abdomen was improved compared to THOR-NT standard abdomen. The addition of the small masses succeeded in increasing the initial peak force of the force-penetration response under seat belt tests. In rigid bar impacts, the prototype force-deflection response stayed longer in the corridor. The pressure measurement was repeatable and discriminated the various impact speeds as well as the impact direction. The pressure peaks were proportional to force and penetration peaks. This study demonstrates the feasibility of introducing the APTSs into THOR lower abdomen and makes proposals for further biofidelity enhancements.