Population density and climate shape early-life survival and recruitment in a long-lived pelagic seabird
1. Our understanding of demographic processes is mainly based on analyses of traits from
the adult component of populations. Early-life demographic traits are poorly known mainly
for methodological reasons. Yet, survival of juvenile and immature individuals is critical for
the recruitment into the population and thus for the whole population dynamic, especially for
long-lived species. This bias currently restrains our ability to fully understand population
dynamics of long-lived species and life-history theory.
2. The goal of this study was to estimate the early-life demographic parameters of a longlived
species with a long immature period (9–10 years), to test for sex and age effects on these
parameters and to identify the environmental factors encountered during the period of immaturity
that may influence survival and recruitment.
3. Using capture–mark–recapture multievent models allowing us to deal with uncertain and
unobservable individual states, we analysed a long-term data set of wandering albatrosses to
estimate both age- and sex-specific early-life survival and recruitment. We investigated environmental
factors potentially driving these demographic traits using climatic and fisheries covariates
and tested for density dependence.
4. Our study provides for the first time an estimate of annual survival during the first 2 years
at sea for an albatross species (0801 0014). Both age and sex affected early-life survival
and recruitment processes of this long-lived seabird species. Early-life survival and recruitment
were highly variable across years although the sensitivity of young birds to environmental variability
decreased with age. Early-life survival was negatively associated with sea surface temperature,
and recruitment rate was positively related to both Southern Annular Mode and sea
surface temperature. We found strong evidence for density-dependent mortality of juveniles.
Population size explained 41% of the variation of this parameter over the study period.
5. These results indicate that early-life survival and recruitment were strongly age and sex
dependent in a dimorphic long-lived species. In addition, early-life demographic parameters
were affected by natal environmental conditions and by environmental conditions faced during
the period of immaturity. Finally, our results constitute one of the first demonstrations of
density dependence on juvenile survival in seabirds, with major consequences for our understanding
of population dynamics in seabirds.