Detecting wandering behavior based on GPS traces for elders with dementia
Wandering is among the most frequent, problematic, and dangerous behaviors for elders with dementia. Frequent wanderers likely suffer falls and fractures, which affect the safety and quality of their lives. In order to monitor outdoor wandering of elderly people with dementia, this paper proposes a real-time method for wandering detection based on individuals' GPS traces. By representing wandering traces as loops, the problem of wandering detection is transformed into detecting loops in elders' mobility trajectories. Specifically, the raw GPS data is first preprocessed to remove noisy and crowded points by performing an online mean shift clustering. A novel method called θ_WD is then presented that is able to detect loop-like traces on the fly. The experimental results on the GPS datasets of several elders have show that the θ_WD method is effective and efficient in detecting wandering behaviors, in terms of detection performance (AUC > 0.99, and 90% detection rate with less than 5 % of the false alarm rate), as well as time complexity