Multi-scale knowledge structuring: Towards an ubiquitous assistant for the factory of the future
The research project described in this paper deals with the problematic of struc-turing and exploiting enterprise’s knowledge. Manufacturing knowledge is ob-taining more and more vital position as a key success of the factory. The vision to maximize the benefits from knowledge management practices in production envi-ronments is shared between both industrial and research communities. We pro-pose in this work a new approach for knowledge structuring. The approach pro-poses to structure the knowledge into multi-scales where each scale represents a completeness degree. Taking into account in which context the knowledge should be reused is a gap often neglected in the existing knowledge based systems. Therefore, we propose a context model aiming to capture and manage contextual information about the working environment. In addition, a conceptual framework has been proposed in order to adapt the knowledge set to the current context where it is reused.