Monitoring based on IOSTS for testing functional and security properties: application to an automotive case study
Monitoring for passive conformance testing is a way of checking if the system meets its requirements. Several formal approaches have been proposed these last years, but most of them only consider the control portion of the protocol neglecting the data portions, or are confronted with an overloaded amount of data values to consider. In this work, we propose a novel approach to define protocol properties in terms of Input-Output Symbolic Transition Systems (IOSTS) and show how they can be tested on real execution traces taking into account the data and control portions. These properties can be designed to test the conformance of a protocol as well as security aspects. A parametric trace slicing approach is defined to match trace and property. Besides, a prototype is here developed and experimented. Our approach is illustrated by its application to a set of real execution traces extracted from a real automotive Bluetooth framework with functional and security properties