ODBAPI : a unified REST API for relational and NoSQL data stores
Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new computing paradigm enabling on-demand and scalable provision of resources, platforms and software as services. In order to satisfy different storage requirements, cloud applications usually need to access and interact with different relational and NoSQL data stores having heterogeneous APIs. This APIs heterogeneity induces two main problems. First it ties cloud applications to specific data stores hampering therefore their migration. Second, it requires developers to be familiar with different APIs. In this paper, we propose a generic resources model defining the different concept used in each type of data store. These resources are managed by ODBAPI a streamlined and a unified REST API enabling to execute CRUD operations on different NoSQL and relational databases. ODBAPI decouples cloud applications from data stores alleviating therefore their migration. Moreover it relieves developers task by removing the burden of managing different APIs