Analysis of the existing design for remanufacturing tools: A first step toward an integrated design platform for remanufacturing
Many researches have been done to facilitate remanufacturing process and optimize its benefits, and, as a result, several tools and methodologies have been developed. This research aims to integrate these methodologies and tools into a more practical and useful integrated design framework.Since existing tools and methodologies have a wide range of applications and objectives, their interconnection is not a trivial task. The contribution of this paper is to provide an analysis grid for analyzing and classifying these existing tools (or methods) into a two-dimensional framework. The first dimension contains the four pillars of sustainable development “extended” framework (economic, social, environmental and technical aspects) identified by Fatimah [Fatimah 2013]. The second dimension is based on the six elements of a remanufacturing system (product design, reverse supply chain, information flow, employee knowledge and skill, remanufacturing operation and product marketing) proposed by Barquet [Barquet 2013]. The grid is presented and the input and output parameters of 7 existing tools (or methods) are analyzed using our grid. As a conclusion, this analysis indicates that none of the tool (or method) has a significant overlap and some interesting synergies are identified.