Abstract Accountability Language: Translation, Compliance and Application
With the rise of the services-based economy and
the democratization of on-line services, more and more users
(individual and/or business) use on-line applications in their daily
lives. Usually personal data transits between different actors
involved in a service’s delivery chain (e.g. application/storage
service providers) and thus might raise some privacy issues.
Accountability, which is the property of an entity of being
responsible for its acts, can help mitigate data privacy and
data disclosures issues in such applications. In this paper, we
propose a translational semantics for our accountability language
and we present some expected properties. We introduce a
natural criterion to achieve the accountability compliance of
two clauses and few heuristics to speed up the resolution time.
We demonstrate the feasibility of our verification process with a
realistic health care use case and the TSPASS theorem prover.