Strategies for coexistence of GM and non.GM soy from import to feed processing
Regulations 1829/2003/CE and 1830/2003/CE have allowed the placing on the European market of GM productsin food and feed chains, and have defined their rules of traceability and labeling. For some supply chains, like forsoy and its derived products that are used in the production of feed, manufacturers have to face both non-GMand GM production, although there are no labeling requirements for animal products derived from animals fedwith GMOs. This study presents the strategies of stakeholders involved in the feed production chain to maintainconcurrent production of compound feed with GM and non-GM soy products, by dealing with the coexistencebetween those two crops. The stakeholders include importers, traders, soy processors, feed processors andretailers. The study shows that many tools are in place to ensure andmaintain the current coexistence. However,a profound harmonization of procedures and methods at a European level should be encouraged.