Más allá de Isla de Pascua: Migración e identidad en la sociedad rapanui contemporánea
I propose the current Rapanui society is composed of scattered territorial communities, which through different means of articulation, form a notion of social totality centered in Easter Island as the identity place of rooting. Articulated to a network of connections which links it to mainland Chile and the French Polynesia, Rapa Nui produces a space of alterity in which the islanders construct a cultural identity. I intend to show that the traveling and permanent residence of the rapanui peoples outside of Rapa Nui (Island) do not represent or generate feelings of rupture with the community of origin, on the contrary, I believe that a series of social obligations are maintained, which help shape the notion of a whole in the shape of a translocal community.
Anthropologie sociale et ethnologieOrigine | Accord explicite pour ce dépôt |