Evaluating GNSS Signals for Passive Local Sea State Monitoring
Passive remote sensing based upon electromagnetic
sources of opportunity provides the promise of a useful
tool for monitoring natural environments and especially
marine environments [1], [2], [3]. In this context, the Global
Navigation Satellite Systems GNSS (GPS,...) appear as one
of the most relevant solution since the emitted signals (in LBand)
are reliable, available all over the world, deterministic
and perfectly known.
In this study, we propose to analyze and to assess the
possibility of sensing the sea wave movements using the
reflected L-Band signals (see figure 1). Thus, based upon
numerical simulations of the electromagnetic scattered field
(Method of Moments), we investigate the connections between
a time evolving surface and the features in the timefrequency
(TF) domain of the signal scattered by this surface
(using Wigner-Ville transform). The idea is to take advantage
of these representations to extract from Doppler and micro-
Doppler signatures the oceanographic parameters of interest