Newton constant, contact terms and entropy
We discuss the renormalization of the Newton constant due to fields of various spin s. We first briefly review the cases of s=0,1/2,1,3/2 already discussed in the literature and notice the appearance of the well-known contact terms for the vector bosons. We then extend this discussion of the contact terms to massive vector fields, p-forms and to the case of spin s=2 particles (gravitons). We observe that, in general, the contact terms originate from the fields which mediate the interactions (such as vector gauge bosons and gravitons). We then discuss entanglement entropy and the conical entropy and their relation to the renormalized Newton constant. We address the puzzle of the non-analytic terms due to fields of spin s=2 and suggest that the resolution of this puzzle comes from the non-equivalence of the orbifold and n-fold cover constructions which are used in the entropy calculations. Finally, we propose a mechanism by which the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is identified with entanglement entropy in any theory which includes both matter fields and the mediators of interactions (vector gauge bosons and gravitons).