Systematic investigation of the temperature behavior of InAs/InP quantum nanostructure passively mode-locked lasers
This paper aims to investigate the effects of the temperature on the mode-locking capability of two section InAs/InP quantum nanostructure (QN) passively mode locked lasers. Devices are made with multi-layers of self-assembled InAs QN either grown on InP(100) (5 quantum dashes (QDashes) layers) or on InP (311)B (6 quantum dots (QDs) layers). Using an analytical model, the mode-locking stability map is extracted for the two types of QN as a function of optical absorption, cavity length, current density and temperature. We believe that this study is of first importance since it reports for the first time a systematic investigation of the temperature-dependence on the mode-locking properties of InAs/InP QN devices. Beside, a rigorous comparison between QDashes and QDs temperature dependence is proposed through a proper analysis of the mode-locking stability maps. Experimental results also show that under some specific conditions the mode-locking operation can be temperature independent.