Modeling the eco-physiology of the purple mauve stinger, Pelagia noctiluca using Dynamic Energy Budget theory
Parameters for the standard Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model were estimated for the purple mauve stinger,
Pelagia noctiluca
, using literature data. Overall, the model predictions are in good agreement with data covering
thefulllife-cycle.Theparametersetweobtain suggeststhat
iswelladaptedto survivelong periods of
starvation sincethepredictedmaximum reservecapacity isextremelyhigh.Moreover wepredict that therepro-
ductive output of larger individuals is relatively insensitive to changes in food level while wet mass and length
given size) an individual would still mature and be able to reproduce. We present detailed model predictions for
embryo development and discuss the developmental energetics of the species such as the fact that the metabo-
lism of ephyrae accelerates for several days after birth. Finally we explore a number of concrete testable model
predictions which will help to guide future research. The application of DEB theory to the collected data allowed
P. noctiluca
combinesmaximizing allocation toreproduction with rather extreme capabilities
to survive starvation. The combination of these properties might explain why
P. noctiluca
is a rapidly growing
concern to
sheries and tourism.