Secondary deposit in historical context: proposal of a new collecting form
La fiche DS : une méthode d’enregistrement des os en position secondaire dans les sites funéraires historiques
Archeological excavations on cemeteries in historical context lead to large amount of comingled bones. Collecting forms linked to primary burials are fairly
knowned and used by field anthropologist. But we observed a lack of recording patterns for secondary deposit. Thus we proposed a collecting form divided in two parts. The first one allows identification of a specific type of secondary burial (reductions, association with bone transfert, ossuary, concentrated bones without burying, presence of pit etc...). Then several characteristics are recorded (stratigraphic in formation, position of bones, relation between bones parts...). The second aspect of our collecting form concerns “in situ ” biological parameters of secondary deposit (Minimum number of individuals, age estimation, sex diagnosis, paleopathological conditions ...). this original collecting form do not offer many open part of free text in
a way to be easily “translate” in computerized databas