Domain Specific Modeling Language for Object Localization in Marine Observatories
Marine observatories (MO) based on sensor networksprovide a continuous observation of the ocean. The logicaland physical components that are used in these observatoriesprovide data exchanged environment between different devices(Smart Sensor, Data Fusion). These components provide newfunctionalities or services due to the stable running of thisnetwork. In this paper, we present our approach in extendingthe modeling languages to include new domain-specific conceptsand constraints. Thus, we propose a meta-model that is usedto generate a new design tool (ArchiMO). We illustrate ourproposal with an example from the MO domain. Additionally,we generate the corresponding simulation code using our selfdevelopeddomain-specific model compiler. Our approach helps toreduce the complexity and time of the design activity. It providesa way to share the different viewpoints of the designers in thedomain of MO.