Iterated extensions and relative Lubin-Tate groups
Let K be a finite extension of Q_p with residue field F_q and let P(T) = T^d + a_{d-1}T^{d-1} + ... +a_1 T, where d is a power of q and a_i is in the maximal ideal of K for all i. Let u_0 be a uniformizer of O_K and let {u_n}_{n \geq 0} be a sequence of elements of Q_p^alg such that P(u_{n+1}) = u_n for all n \geq 0. Let K_infty be the field generated over K by all the u_n. If K_infty / K is a Galois extension, then it is abelian, and our main result is that it is generated by the torsion points of a relative Lubin-Tate group (a generalization of the usual Lubin-Tate groups). The proof of this involves generalizing the construction of Coleman power series, constructing some p-adic periods in Fontaine's rings, and using local class field theory.