Small rigid platforms functionalization with quaternary ammonium: Targeting extracellular matrix of chondrosarcoma
This work takes place in the “cartilage targeting strategy”, consisting in using the quaternary ammonium (QA) function as a vector to proteoglycans (PGs) of extracellular matrix (ECM). The objective was to demonstrate that QA could address gadolinium based small rigid platforms (SRP) to PG-rich tumors. SRP were functionalized with QA, radiolabeled with 111Indium and evaluated for biodistribution in vivo, respectively to non functionalized SRP, in two experimental models: (i) the HEMCSS human xenograft model; (ii) the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma (SRC) orthotopic model. The contribution of cellular uptake to tumoral accumulation of nano-objects was also determined from in vitro binding. In the SRC model expressing a highly and homogeneously distributed PG content, tumor accumulation and retention of SRP@QA were increased by 40% as compared to non-functionalized SRP. When considering the radiosensitizing potential of gadolinium based SRP, these results provide hopes for the radiobiological approach of highly resistant tumor such as chondrosarcoma.