Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2015

Combining DEVS with Multi-agent Concepts to Design and Simulate Multi-models of Complex Systems

Benjamin Camus
Christine Bourjot
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 830457
Vincent Chevrier


We are interested in the multi-modeling and simulation of complex systems, that is representing a complex system as a set of interacting models and simulating it with a co- simulation approach. Representing and simulating the multi- model of a complex system requires to integrate heterogene- ity at several levels (representations, formalisms, simulation software, models’ interactions. . . ). In this article, we present our approach that consists of combining the DEVS formal- ism and multi-agent concepts in order to achieve these re- quirements. The use of the DEVS formalism enables a rigourous integration of models described with heteroge- neous formalisms and a rigourous simulation protocol. Multi- agent concepts ease the description of multi-perspective inte- gration and the reuse of existing heterogeneous simulators. We detail the combination of both in the AA4MM approach and illustrate its use in a proof of concept.
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Dates and versions

hal-01103892 , version 1 (15-01-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01103892 , version 1


Benjamin Camus, Christine Bourjot, Vincent Chevrier. Combining DEVS with Multi-agent Concepts to Design and Simulate Multi-models of Complex Systems. 2015. ⟨hal-01103892⟩
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