Development of a laser shock adhesion test for the assessment of weak adhesive bonded CFRP structures
Adhesive bondin,g bas a great poœnlial far future ligbtweight bigb-loaded structures in the a.eronautic industiy. A preœquisite for sucb an application is dtat the bond quality of the adhesive joint can be assessed in a non-destructive way. However, the use of da.ssicaJ Non*DesiiUctive Techniques (NDT) does not aUow the evaluation of the adhesion stren,gt:h of an adhesive bond yet This paper pn!sents an investigation made on weak composite bonds in on!er to develop a laser shock wave adhesion test First, the procedure to produce controlled weak bonds is desaibed. CFRP bonded samples are pn!pared in a spedfic way and characterized by ultrasonic techniques to assess the absence of any detectable defect. 1ben, for sorne of the .samples, their bond streDgth is evaluated by mechanical destructive œsts and ether .samples are loaded by v.arious intensity lasers shocks. The obtained results help to understand the behavior of the composite bonds under Jaser shock loading:. thanks to two post-mortem techrùques. 1becorrelation between the laser parameterS and the induced damage is demon.strated, The potential of the laser shock. technique to dl.saiminate different bond quallties is shawn, and the need for the œst optinùzationlsdÛ(U
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