Conference Papers Year : 2014

Design of a Haptic Magnifier using an Ultrasonic Motor


The paper presents a serial architecture of an actuated manipulator which uses an ultrasonic motor. The serial architecture allows to modify the kinetic relationship between user's input and a tool. The design of the device is presented. A load, which exhibits fine details, is used in order to show how a zooming effect of its haptic rendering can be achieved with the haptic magnifier. Finally, the design is validated through an experimental analysis.
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hal-01043960 , version 1 (23-07-2014)
hal-01043960 , version 2 (07-09-2015)



Frédéric Giraud, Michel Amberg, Christophe Giraud-Audine, Betty Lemaire-Semail. Design of a Haptic Magnifier using an Ultrasonic Motor. Eurohaptics 2014, Jun 2014, Versailles, France. pp.453-459, ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44193-0_57⟩. ⟨hal-01043960v2⟩
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