Effects of Electric Component Dynamics on Energy Management for Various Vehicle Architectures
Research and /or Engineering Questions/Objective: In the actual energy and pollution context caused b y road transport, city centers will be restricted t o low emission vehicles i.e. hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle ( HEV/EV). Moreover, the HEV/EV offer the opportunity to have various actuation architectures but raise the probl em of over actuated systems. Therefore, it is of fi rst interest to ask if energy gains can be obtained by managing the vehicle dynamic behavior in this urban situation. In previous works, studies about optimal architectures have been proposed and the objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of electric component dynam ics on the battery and vehicle energy efficiencies. Methodology: A simulation method is used in order to keep consta nt as much as possible of the parameters governing the vehicle energy efficiency. A control allocation is chosen to generate control signals to actuators for two selected vehicle architectures during a representative manoe uver. This control strategy allows to determine act uator inputs for architectures without changing control s tructure. These inputs are applied on actuators in a virtual test bench whose parameters have been validated from an actual delivery vehicle. This simulation model is supplemented or not by dynamic models of electrical components for all architectures. The electric com ponent parameters are only considered to analyze the batte ry and vehicle consumed powers/energies in regenera tive vehicle dynamic proposed in previous author works. Energy losses in tire/road contact or actuation ene rgy in steering system are included in the energy comparis on for the investigated architectures. Results: The performance of the proposed control allocation is evaluated by comparison simulated trajectories o f two selected vehicle architectures and reference trajec tory with or without electric component models. The proposed regenerative vehicle dynamics is studied by analyzi ng the wheel torques and steering wheel angles. The simulation results of battery and vehicle consumed powers/energies are estimated and allow to determin e the optimal vehicle architecture in terms of energy and the best electric component parameters. Limitations of this study: These results need to be verified with other refere nce trajectories and a method to improve the choice of weighting matrices should be investigated. What does the paper offer that is new in the field in comparison to other works of the author: The influence of electric component dynamics on the energy management for various vehicle architecture s has been studied. The analysis of power/energy differen ces due to the integration of electric component mo dels offer the perspectives which focus on the optimization of electric component dynamic parameters. Conclusion: Some simulation results are presented and discussed . We can see that the proposed control allocation i s robust with or without the integration of electric compone nt models into vehicle dynamics. The optimal vehicl e architecture in term of consumed energy is justifie d by analyzing the battery and vehicle consumed power/energy. It also proves the effectiveness of t he proposed method which is used to minimize energy consumption of hybrid vehicle. Moreover, the best v alues of electric component parameters in terms of consumed power/energy will be determined. The appli cation of this method to another applicative object (passenger car, bus multi-axles vehicle...) is not a theoretical problem if the object dynamics can be m odelled.