Improved Supercapacitor Floating Ageing Interpretation Through Multipore Impedance Model Parameters Evolution
Like any electric energy storage system, supercapacitors have a limited lifetime. Indeed, they degrade with time because of parasitic reactions between electrodes and electrolyte. Porous electrodes are complex structures and pores have size dispersion because of manufacturing processes. This paper proposes to study the specific impact of supercapacitor floating ageing on different pore sizes using a multipore model. The multipore model is an equivalent electrical circuit model, capable of representing impedance behavior of supercapacitor in full range of its operating frequencies and classifying different sized pores by their impedance parameters. This paper first presents a link between pore sizes and impedance parameters of the modeling circuit. Then, floating ageing experiments are carried out using three samples from two different manufacturers. Multipore model impedance parameters evolution is monitored and discussed. Finally, a new representation of ageing processes is proposed by pore size and for different ageing phases.