StarAck, several visual displays of audio data using stacked graphs - Archive ouverte HAL
Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2014

StarAck, several visual displays of audio data using stacked graphs


Visualisation is an important tool for many steps of a research project. In this paper, we present several displays of audio data based on stacked graphs. Thanks to a careful use of the layering the proposed displays concisely convey a large amount of information. Many flavours are presented, each useful for a specific type of data, from spectral and chromatic data to multi-source and multi channel data. We shall demonstrate that such displays for the case of spectral and chromatic data offer a different compromise than the traditional spectrogram and chroma gram, emphasizing timing information over frequency.
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hal-00986577 , version 1 (05-05-2014)
hal-00986577 , version 2 (09-10-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-00986577 , version 1


Mathieu Lagrange, Grégoire Lafay, Mathias Rossignol. StarAck, several visual displays of audio data using stacked graphs. 2014. ⟨hal-00986577v1⟩
381 Consultations
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