Classical Yang-Baxter Equation and Left Invariant Affine Geometry on Lie Groups
Let G be a Lie group with Lie algebra $ \Cal G: = T_\epsilon G$ and $T^*G = \Cal G^* \rtimes G$ its cotangent bundle considered as a Lie group, where G acts on $\Cal G^*$ via the coadjoint action. We show that there is a 1-1 correspondance between the skew-symmetric solutions $r\in \wedge^2 \Cal G$ of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation in G, and the set of connected Lie subgroups of $T^*G$ which carry a left invariant affine structure and whose Lie algebras are lagrangian graphs in $ \Cal G \oplus \Cal G^*$. An invertible solution r endows G with a left invariant symplectic structure and hence a left invariant affine structure. In this case we prove that the Poisson Lie tensor $\pi := r^+ - r^-$ is polynomial of degree at most 2 and the double Lie groups of $(G,\pi)$ also carry a canonical left invariant affine structure. In the general case of (non necessarly invertible) solutions r, we supply a necessary and suffisant condition to the geodesic completness of the associated affine structure
Mots clés
Classical Yang-Baxter Equation
Left Invariant Affine Geometry
affine connection
Poisson Lie group
invariant symplectic structure
Drinfel'd Double
coadjoint action
Lagrangian graph
symplecti Lie algebra
Equation de Yang Baxter
connexion affine invariante
groupe de Lie
algèbre de Lie
structure symplectique invariante
linéarisation de structure de Poisson
structure hamiltonienne