An experimental evaluation of cross-layer routing in a wireless mesh backbone
Over the latest few years, cross-layer design in wireless networks has drawn great attention from the research community. One of the main arguments in favor of such techniques is that the hop-count metric alone is not enough to capture the specificities of wireless links (e.g., interferences, collisions, fading). In this paper, we address a simple yet fundamental question: What are the real improvements that cross-layering can bring to routing performance when compared to the simple hop-count metric? In our experiments, we consider the backbone of a real wireless mesh network composed of 12 routers deployed in an office building. We focus on the stability of routes and their persistence. In spite of the nature of cross-layer metrics that take into account information from different layers, lets them be very reactive to changes, we observe that using these metrics, pairs of nodes tend to mainly use the same set of two or three routes between them.