Comment on ''Realization of a bipolar atomic Šolc filter in the cavity-QED microlaser''
Seo et al. [Phys. Rev. A 81, 053824 (2010)] have studied the interaction of a TEM10 mode in a cavity-QED microlaser. They claim that this scheme represents an experimental realization of an atomic Šolc filter proposed by Hong et al. [Opt. Express 17, 15455 (2009)]. Even if the regime of interaction considered is nonperturbative, we point out that this statement is valid only for a small range of intensity and is misleading in the general case of an arbitrarily strong field where the effect is related to the nonadiabatic jump phenomenon [G. S. Vasilev and N. V. Vitanov, Phys. Rev. A 73, 023416 (2006)].