Quantum Mechanics à la Langevin and Supersymmetry
We study quantum mechanics in the stochastic formulation, using the functional integral approach. The noise term enters the classical action as a local contribution of anticommuting fields. The partition function is not invariant under ${\mathcal N}=1$ SUSY, but can be obtained from a, manifestly, supersymmetric expression, upon fixing a local fermionic symmetry, called $\kappa-$symmetry. The kinetic term for the fermions is a total derivative and can contribute only on the boundaries. We define combinations that scale appropriately, as the lattice spacing is taken to zero and the lattice size to infinity and provide evidence, by numerical simulations, that the correlation functions of the auxiliary field do satisfy Wick's theorem. We show, in particular, that simulations can be carried out using a purely bosonic action. The physical import is that the classical trajectory, $\phi(\tau)$, becomes a (chiral) superfield, $(\phi(\tau),\psi_{\alpha}(\tau),F(\tau))$, when quantum fluctuations are taken into account.